MiSST's CPD Programme:
MiSST is committed to developing a high-quality CPD provision with all teachers involved with delivering the Andrew Lloyd Webber Programme. This takes the form of:
Separate online platforms for heads of music/music teachers and instrumental tutors sharing curriculum resources, videos highlighting good practice, and a forum for teachers to explore strategies with one another
CPD embedded into three HoD meetings per year, each one focusing on a different element of the ALWP
A webinar series with invited guests covering everything from trumpet teaching for the non-specialist to student voice
An annual conference providing CPD in areas requested by teachers in partner schools

MiSST's Research Programme:
Our research streams aim to assess the impact of MiSST in our school communities by regularly collecting data which explores the tangible outcomes of our students, as well as more abstract traits such as self-confidence and self-efficacy.
MiSST schools are asked to share the following data with us each year:
Y7 Listening and Theory exam (LAT) and solo performance data (Autumn term)
Y8 LAT and solo performance data (Summer term)
Y9 LAT and solo performance data (Spring term)
GCSE results/Progress 8 data across both music and all subjects (each year)
Social indicators for all students whose data is collected (including pupil premium eligibility, SEND status, ethnicity, and EAL status)
From this, MiSST is able to track the outcomes for students in all social groups, assisting us in ensuring our curriculum transcends barriers and remains accessible to all. We are also able to assess the impact MiSST has on GCSE outcomes for our students, both in music and across other subjects.
MiSST students are asked to complete questionnaires assessing self-confidence, self-efficacy, and resilience during the Autumn term of Y7 and then during the Summer term of Y9. Responses are assessed based on the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, and the outcomes allow MiSST to consider the impact the programme has on students' views of themselves, and how that develops from the start of Key Stage 3 to the end of their time on the programme.